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Tuesday, May 29, 2012
4 new items have been added to the shop. Check them out:

That's all for now!


Chobots team has made new moderator! Koiz 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Chobots team has made new designer! Swiftex 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Hey Chobots! The day has finally come, bugs have been fixed, things have been added, and they're all cool!

The big update! The Twitter integration! (The button can be found at the top of your screen!)
Now you can 'Tweet n' play everyday!' see what I did there? ;)

Also some small other things:

When going to the Color Zone, you now see this:

The academy now has chess and checkers inside of it!

The old robot "Create a Team" glitch has finally been changed to "Team Leaderboard"!

How cool!? Thanks developent team for making these cool updates to the world of Chobots!
Speaking of updates... The "Coming Soon" catolog has been updated with a FEW new clothes for citizens out there!

That's all for now!
Stay Spiffy!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
           Chobots is down at the molment. Hopefully, it will be up soon! Meanwhile, you can always go on the fourm!

Monday, May 7, 2012
Wow! So many new updates are in the world of Chobots today! Everything has gone from that purplish color, to this cool blue color! Look at some of these updates!:
A new log in page! sweet! And also, if you go to full screen, in the link you'll see there are no more build/(Number here) anymore, We might not need to re-type our name in everytime a different update comes, how cool?!

New loading icon!

A new-ish map, with more blue in the background! And look! There is a dome above the park! That is pretty cool, huh?

 Messages screens went from being that really light blue, to a darker blue, I think it looks great! (everything that was once light blue (like edges of things like messages etc. are now dark blue)).

New upcoming events page look! Looks really awesome!

These are some of the cool updates I could post, i'm sure I missed a few things, but these are main ones! Thanks for reading guys!

Keep it Spiffy!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The ChoEvents Page has been UPDATED!
On the left side you'll see that there will be new clothes on the 5,12,19, and 26.
Chistochob will be arriving on the 12 and will be here for quite a while, to the 19!
What's this?? A secret update?! Awesome! I can't wait.
Looks like on the 19th somethign specail will be happening on twitter!
Now... Under Events! On the 6th... well... I don't really know what will happen.. Trololol..? With the creepy mask!
On the 15th we will have the Smilefest! Sounds fun!
And finally on the last day of May... A beach party?? But we don't have a beach! ... Could this mean...?? ;) I hope so!

Well that's all! If you want to see this page for yourself, go to the top of your screen and click on that little yellow icon!

Have a great May everyone!



Play Chobots!